Tuesday, June 2, 2020

What is a transformer and what are its applications?

A Transformer is an electrical device that is used to convert the electric voltage from smaller to larger quantities and vice versa. The listed below are its applications:

  1. To match impedance
  2. Rectifier
  3. Voltage rectifier or stabilizer
  4. Voltmeter or Ammeter applications
  5. Step up or Step-Down Voltages
  6. Isolation of electrical circuits

What are the basic tools used for the measurement of electrical parameters in an electrical circuit?

The list of measuring tools used for the measurement of electrical parameters are as below:

  1. Ammeter
  2. Voltmeter
  3. Ohmmeter
  4. Multi-meter
  5. Power meter
  6. Microwave meter
  7. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
  8. Signal Generators and Analysers
  9. Wattmeter
  10. Sweep Generator

What are the different network terminologies used in building the electrical circuit?

The below terms are used along with the electrical circuits and its applications:
  • Node
  • Junction
  • Loop
  • Mesh
  • Branch
  • Linear and Non-Linear circuits
  • Active and Passive networks

What is Electrical Engineering and explain its different applications?

Electrical Engineering is a branch of electrical systems and application of its related electrical systems with electromagnetic or electronic subsystems.

The different applications are as below:

  • Diodes, Rectifiers, and Transformers
  • Digital Circuits
  • DC or AC Motors
  • DC or AC Generators
  • Electrical Power Systems
  • Electrical Control Systems
  • Instrumentation Systems
  • Communication Systems
  • Digital and Analog Electronics